Committees of the FEZ Berlin
The FEZ Berlin is run by the Children's and Youth Recreation Centre (Ger. Kinder- und Jugendfreizeitzentrum) and the Berlin State Academy of Music (Ger. Landesmusikakademie Berlin) as a non-profit operational company in the state of Berlin.
- Dr. Margrit Witzke
Management of the children's, youth and family centre - Chris Berghäuser
Management of the Berlin State Academy of Music
Board of Directors
The supervisory committee of the company is the Board of Directors. The committee meets with the Managing Directors every three months.
Chair of the Board
- Falko Liecke
State Secratary for Youth, Education & School Digitalisation in the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family
Members of the Board
- Jens Kandziora
Cultural Affairs - Juliane Schumacher
Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family
IIA1 - School - Cultural Education Cooperation Projects - Herr Alexander Freier-Winterwerb
Local Council for Treptow-Köpenick - Jana Widlak
Senate Department for Finance - Hella Dunger-Löper
President of the Berlin Music Council
Advisory committee
The company's advisory committee is charged with providing specialist advice to the company. The committee meets with the Managing Directors twice a year.
Chair of the advisory committee
- Thomas Hänsgen
Technical Youth Recreation and Education Society (Ger. Technische Jugendfreizeit- und Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH)
Advisory committee members collectively operating the children's, youth and family centre and the Berlin State Music Academy
(Note: some of the following translations are only approximations of the original German company name. For the original titles, please refer to the German version of the FEZ site!)
- Winfried Szameitat
Chair of the Berlin Brandenburg Amateur Orchestra Association - Holger Hofmann
German Children's Relief Organisation - Prof. Dr. Marc Godau
Head of the Clara Hoffbauer College in Potsdam & Professor for Musical Education and Didactics of Music - Prof. Robert Lingnau
College of Popular Arts - Dr. Dorothea Kolland
Director of Neukölln Cultural Office a.D. - Karlheinz Nolte
Chairman of Berlin Committee for Family Issues - Elvire Dörr
Music School Head in Treptow-Köpenick - Annette Heit
Background Weltmusik - Meiko Köhler
Berlin Choral Society - Christoph Happel
LKJ-Berlin e.V., LAG Popular Music - Jana Sänger
Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family - Joachim Stahr
State Youth Assistance Committee - Thomas Hänsgen
TJFBG gGmbH - Annett Kreuziger
Head of the Work Group for Teacher Training, Media Forum and Open Educational Ressources (OER)
- Commissioner for Child Protection
Marc-André von Zmuda Trzebiatowski
E-Mail: m.zmuda(at)fez-berlin.de