Partners of the FEZ Berlin
The FEZ Berlin works together with dedicated partners.
We forge thematic cooperations with dedicated partners in the form of projects, themed weeks and themed days that take place during family weekends, at big events or during the holidays.
Prominent figures from the political, economic and cultural domains act as our patrons for individual events or for the FEZ Berlin as a whole.
Companies support individual events such as International Children's Day, FEZitty - The Children's Capital City or the Puppet Theatre Festival in the form of event sponsoring. Also, donations in kind are very useful for bringing many projects and events to fruition.
Long-time partnerships with companies, organisations, associations and institutes help the FEZ to stand out.
- European Commission in Germany
- German Foreign Office
- German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- German Federal Ministry of Finance
- German Federal Ministry of Health
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- German Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science
- German Senate Department for Social Affairs and Health
- German Senate Department for Finance
- German Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Technology and Research
- Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk (German help network for children)
- Deutscher Kinderschutzbund (German association for the protection of children)
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (The state museums of Berlin)
- Liga für Kinderrechte (League for children's rights)
- Botschaften der Länder (Germany's state embassies)
- ...and many other organisations, associations, institutions of culture, museums, theatres, concert halls, etc.