28th Puppet Theatre Festival

Sponsor: Christian Bahrmann, KiKANiNCHEN TV Presenter

Voilá! Clear the stage and make way for hilarious puppet shows, fantasitc adventures and amazing fairy tales.
With 85 shows from 21 different theatres, there's so much going on. Not to mention the craft workshops, games, special guests and other surprises. Raise the curtain! It's time to begin!

Opening Hours & Tickets

Sat 23rd + Sun 24th November, 10am to 6pm
Box office opens from 10am for on-the-day ticket sales

Day Ticket: €12.00 per person  
Families of 2+: €9.50 per person 
Tickets grant you access to the specific production + accompanying activities as part of the wider programme.
Programme subject to change!

Online Tickets

Please note: There is limited parking at the FEZ on weekends and parking spaces cost €3.00.

The Tale Of The Fisher And His Wife - Parktheater Edelbruch

See A Second Show For Free!

After visiting the production for which you bought tickets, you may attend a 2nd production at no extra cost, providing there are still tickets available at the box office for the production you wish to see. Please show your purchased tickets to the box office staff to make use of this offer.

*There is no legal entitlement to attend a second production free of charge.

Peter & The Wolf - Christian Bahrmann - Puppentheater Prenzlkasper


Christian Barmann from the KIKA TV channel

We're excited that the 28th Puppet Theatre Festival is about to start. The curtain in the FEZ Berlin is about to raise.
Look forward to exciting stories, fantastic adventures and wonderful fairy tales.

Janoschs Apfelmännchen - Susi Claus

Special: Evening Production

Sat 23rd November, 8:00 pm
Janoschs Apfelmännchen (Just One Apple)
Susi Claus | Duration: 60 minutes

An Online Ticket is only valid for the 8pm evening performance.
Tickett: €5.00 per person (only available online)

Goodnight Carola - Theater des Lachens


Here you'll find a clear overview of all the plays and productions ordered by date and time.

What's On?

Here you can see the complete list of shows that will be on stage - this time ordered alphabetically.

Accompanying Programme

Among the many workshops and exhibits, you'll find a collection of handmade puppets and photos of the puppets 'in actions' - all designed and taken by puppet maker Weinhold. Another interesting exhibition is the self-explanatory "How a puppet theatre play is created".

Die kleine Schnecke Monika Häuschen und der Mistkäfer - TAB-Figurentheater

Other Activities

Included in the price of tickets for each production is access numerous craft workshops in the Foyer and sports and games in our multi-purpose hall. Also located in the Foyer is an area for parents of young children which includes dedicated spaces for nursing and changing. (Room 305).