Recommended for children aged 2+

Do The FEZ! Water Fairy Tales

A fairy tale weekend of watery wildlife and wonderful water worlds

Dive into the infinite watery depths with Iskappi and Hilda and take part in fairytale adventures. Whether it's fantastic stories in the fairy tale tent, homemade sea creatures or the hunt for tiny plastic particles in the goldfish aquarium, the FEZ is transforming into a small seaside town over the course of two weekends. The town is where Iskappi and Hilda are meeting and you can join these two heroes in a range of dialogues and scenes where answers are sought to pressing questions about water.

On many of the small stages around the building, guests can find out more about the water on our planet with topics including protecting the animals of the sea, the water cycle and analysis of our daily water use. Of course, all of these activities will be fun, creative and require lots of energy from our young guests.

The Great Water Council

"The Great Water Council" meets every 5 years to discuss the goings-on in the ocean depths. Iskappi is making the arduous journey there this year because he has questions.

Digital Activities

Our digital programme will allow you to see how different creatures survive under water. Be careful though or they'll quickly swim away from you!

Opening Hours & Tickets

Sat 11th + Sun 12th November
Sat 18th + Sun 19th November
, from 12pm to 6pm
Day Ticket: €5.00 per person
Families of 2+: €4.00 per person
Online Ticket

Fun & Games

If you've been sat still long enough, it's now time to hop into a car and set off across the North Atlantic or head to the photo booth and take a few pictures in a crazy costumes.


Useing scissors, paper, paint and pens you'll soon find out how colourful water flowers can be. The sky (and your imagination) is the limit when you make a coral reef.


Experience a fantastic bubbly show on the stage with Corinne Bubbles or lay back by the fireplace after listening to one of our international water-based fairy tales in the Fairy Tale Tent.


Lights, camera, action! Pop over to the fezino cinema to see fairy tale films for the family.
Each one begins at either 2:00 pm or 4:00 pm.

Workshops & Experiments

Various activity stations are on hand to show you how a river makes its way, how dirty water becomes clean and how small the plastic is that can be found in the sea. You can then head into the walk-in aquarium and decide for yourself whether to leave rubbish or fish in the water. A cooperation with the Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB).

Experiments With Ice & Water

What exactly does a glacier do? And why is it not good when it melts? Find out more by releasing tiny flies from the ice and watch what happens when people build houses, towns and cities near the sea and then the ice is no longer cold enough.

Magical Theatre Programme

On the Astrid Lindgren Bühne:
The Little Water Sprite
Sat 11th November, 3:30 pm
Sat 18th + Sun 19th November, 3:30 pm

Combine your visit to Do The FEZ! Water Fairy Tales with a visit to the theatre. A ticket to the Astrid Lindgren Stage grants you entry to the main evemt as well!
Online Tickets

Illustration und Foto zur Ausstellung "Susi und wir"

Susi & Us: To Look Or To Look Away

Sat + Sun from 12pm to 6pm | Recommended for ages 10+
An exhibition based on the book "Susi, die Enkelin von Haus Nummer 4". Intervene or ignore? This exhibition, set against the backdrop of the true story of a Jewish girl who was forced into hiding by the Nazis, deals with the topics of bravery and civil courage.
A visit to the museum is included in your ticket to Do The FEZ! Water Fairy Tales.

Orbitall World Of Adventure

Sat + Sun, 4:30 pm | Recommended for ages 8+

Undertake a breathtaking journey across the universe without leaving the FEZ. See what life is like aboard the International Space Station, see how astronauts prepare for a mission, experiment and have fun!
Orbitall Tickets (including entry to main event)
Almost sold out.