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Learn With Crash Course

(For ages 12 and up)

Crash Course is a YouTube channel featuring free learning videos created by professionals, i.e. teachers and other education specialists.

There are 22 subjects to choose from on the platform with each subject divided into a variety of sub-categories. Each sub-category features interesting short videos which itnroduce you to the topic and delve deeper. They're not a replacement for school as such,b ut they do offer a good overview of many school-relevant topics.

The course are mostly in English with German subtitles. Additonally, there's another section called Crash Course Kids which may be useful for younger brothers and sisters. Primary school kids aged 6 to 10 is the target group here.

More information here: https://thecrashcourse.com/  

At Planet Schule, you'll find films, educational games, simulations and apps for every subject.

The site is in German and contains materials on pretty much every topic you might ever learn at school. From volcanos to insects, from energy production to the middle ages.

Each resource is also available as a free download.

If you share your computer, laptop or tablet with your siblings or parents, then you can also learn via the oldschool method of the television because WDR are broadcasting Planet Schule every day from 7:20 to 8:20, and SWR are broadcasting from 10:45 to 11:15.

More information here: https://www.planet-schule.de/