MiSCHMiT 2023
A Mark Of True Friendship
Friendship is a relationship between 2 or more people characterised by mutual affection, sympathy and trust. But how do I find true friends? What is a true friend? How does friendship affect our lives?
As part of our next MiSCHMiT programme, a selection of young people, friends of the FEZ and experts will come together to discuss these questions and friendship in general. The programme will be recorded in the studios of the regional radio and television channel ALEX Berlin and made available to view online from 10th December 2023. Everyone who watches the programme can use the comment function to join in and discuss the topic with other young people.
The MiSCHMiT format is now taking place for the 4th time. The idea is to promote participation and engagement amongst young people while also increasing social skills and bringing topics of interests closer to the young people, thus giving them a platform to air their views.