Recap 2023: Project RescEU – Europe Escape Game

Read on for a short review of RescEU, the Europe-based escape game, which took place in the FEZ Berlin on 24th & 25th May 2023.

But what exactly is RescEU?

Project days recommended for classes 7 to 8 (ages 12 to 14)

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the European Union didn't exist? Well, that's exactly the purpose of the RescEU escape game. What does life in the EU mean for each one of us?  Was bedeutet das Leben in der EU für jede*n einzelne*n von uns? And what benefits and values exist that we perhaps sometimes take for granted?

The participants were divided into small groups and given various tasks on socio-political topics that they had to solve in order to move on to the next room. In total, there were 5 different rooms that had to be defeated, with each one having a different topic. Amongst others, these were: cooperation, national borders, diversity, art, history, geography, economy, energy and democracy.

With the help of a relaxed atmosphere and a fun gamification approach, the aim was to expand participants' knowledge on each of the topics. In order to build on this knowledge, a discussion round took place afterwards, giving everyone the opportunity to talk about and make sense of what they had learnt. The overall aim of the project was to familiarise the young people with the advantages and values of the European Union and motivate them to get involved in democratic processes.

Europe Escape Game: Planning Workshop

A planning workshop also took place on 19th December 2023 at the FEZ Berlin. During this workshop a range of ideas were created and we looked more closely at the RescEU escape game.
You gave us your ideas.